It seems as though Azaelia Banks wasn't the only person that Cardi B was beefing with on Instagram, and musician and radio host Nya Lee has revealed the contents of an argument the two of them had in their DM's early last month.
The argument between the two is lengthy, and gets very aggressive, but the gist of it is that Nya, at some point, said she didn't like Cardi's delivery on songs. Cardi didn't like that, and slid into her DM's to call Nya out for begging her to be on a song with her. Nya fires back, saying that she always respected Cardi's hustle but that she has the right to her opinion on her skills. She also calls out Cardi for her alleged ghostwriting, which Cardi doesn't seem to deny here, saying, "How many songs you sold that you wrote thoo? How far did the songs you wrote got you?"
The rest of the conversation consists of the two of them calling each other out and threatening to pull up on the other. In the caption, Nya explains her reasoning behind releasing the screenshots, "You know I spent hours fighting with myself on whether or not to even address this. It’s just so troubling to me that the same people we praise for women empowerment are the same ones tearing other up and coming female artists down. The media often times brushes things under the rug for their favs but this literally hurt me to my soul and I really understand now what It feels like to be attacked by the same artist you cheered on."
Perhaps she waited until now because Cardi deleted her Instagram, or maybe she couldn't stand to watch Cardi shine any longer. Check the whole thing below.