JR Smith Publicly Shamed By Yahoo Sports

BYDevin Ch34.0K Views
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Maddie Meyer/Getty Images
JR Smith
Kick a man while he's down.

The Game One blunder where JR Smith lost track of the game clock is now stuff of legend. It's come to a point where even normally impartial institutions such as Yahoo have gotten in on the act of publicly shaming him. In an advertisement promoting their fantasy sports packages, Yahoo promised an improvement in software quality on their mobile app. The advert listed a new row for player highlights on pages, a fantasy game focusing especially on the PGA Golf Tour and close inspection of many of the bugs plaguing the app in the past.

Last but not least, Yahoo promised to, and I quote: "(Give) JR Smith the Yahoo Sports app so he can always know what the score is." Users on Reddit, privy this Yahoo throwing jumbo-sized shade, started planning Smith's eulogy ahead of time. JR's contract with the Cavs is only partially guaranteed until 2020, any many Redditers think his days as a productive NBA player are well behind him.

Of course, the Internet trolls are going to have a field day, and Reddit is going to have a laugh, but more often than not pro athletes are so big headed, the hateration fails to register.

JR Smith Publicly Shamed By Yahoo Sports

via Reddit

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