Terry Crews’ Doctor Refuses To Give Up Documents In Sexual Assault Lawsuit

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Terry Crews' assaulter is looking for proper evidence.

The sexual assault case against WME agent Adam Venit filed by Terry Crews is still ongoing and has currently hit a roadblock. According to The Blast, Adam has requested that Terry hand over any medical documents that prove he suffered any mental and physical harm since Adam was accused of groping him at 2016 Hollywood function. Terry directed Adam to Dr. Alex Katehakis of The Center for Healthy Sex. 

According to the publication, Adam filed a subpoena on February 28th forcing the doctor to turn over the medical evidence by mid-March. A few days after the deadline passed, Adam claimed he called Dr. Alex Katehakis but she would not “confirm or deny” if she knew Terry. Adam allegedly followed up with the subpoena and said Terry told him she had the evidence, but still nothing. 

Adam is now asking a judge to force the doctor to hand in the files and also pay for his legal fees that total up to $2,700. The publication says the judge has yet to rule on the matter. 

“The level of ridiculousness that this has gone to, and they’re looking at me as if I’m ridiculous for even saying anything,” Terry previously said of the case. “I’m like, ‘Nope, I’m not putting up with it. No one should. No woman, no child, no man, anywhere, in whatever business, should ever put up with being treated less than a human being, ever.” 

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