Pornhub Now Accepts Anonymous Payments From Cryptocurrency "Verge"

BY Chantilly Post 16.5K Views
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Pornhub is giving your purchases the ultimate privacy.

Pornhub is taking a major step forward by now accepting payments from the anonymous cryptocurrency, Verge. Users who are paying for a premium subscription and don't like it being shown on their VISA statements can now opt for a private, trail less transaction. “Here at Pornhub, we’re all about convenience and security, which makes cryptocurrency an attractive form of payment for us,” VP Corey Price said. “We’ve been looking at crypto for quite some time and, while overall adoption is relatively low, we think it has gained enough steam for us to penetrate the market.”

Pornhub has apparently been testing the payment system for some time and hasn't come across any hiccups.  

"The Future Has Cum. One day you’ll tell your grandchildren about this monumentous date: April 17th 2018, the day it all changed," the official video description reads. "That’s because, as of today, Pornhub will start accepting Verge Currency, the most secure and anonymous cryptocurrency on the market. Lets make it chain!"

Some investors are still unsure of this cryptocurrency trend, that has without a doubt seen its highs and lows. Despite the debate on the futuristic form of payment, more and more companies are including it as a form of transaction.  

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