Uber Driver Chooses Spotify Playlists Based On How You Look

BYAlex Zidel2.8K Views
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David Plouffe, Uber SVP and Sultan Al Qassemi talk innovation in a fireside chat hosted by Uber together with Harvard Business School Club of the GCC and the Harvard Kennedy School Alumni Network of the UAE at The Capital Club, DIFC on April 22, 2015 in Dubai
This Uber driver knows what he's doing.

Uber rides can be pretty awkward sometimes and, while I don't have any experience driving for the ride-sharing app, I'm sure driving people around can be a nuisance. Unless the driver directly hands you the AUX cord, their choice of music may not exactly coincide with your tastes. Luckily, one Uber driver has got that situation all sorted out and they've shared their story directly to Twitter. @TEEJUS_ on Twitter tweeted that he has eleven pre-selected Spotify playlists that he plays while picking up passengers, all based on their appearance. The post has since blown up because of the accuracy of his playlists, and the hilarious names the driver has appointed for the lists.

With playlists tailor-made for "White dudes who look like the [sic] like rap," "Heady bros," "Quiet ppl" and "Fu--ing hipsters," this guy's got a playlist for everybody. The driver wrote that most of his passengers have been very receptive to his music choices since he's started the playlists. Notably missing from the pre-mixed playlist appears to be "Turn up music for semi-drunk 20-year old girls," which we assume he forgot to post.

Spotify may need to think of hiring this man to curate their playlists because he seems to have the playlist game on lock. Knowing your own taste is one thing, but assuming somebody else's, and generally hitting the nail on the head, is a talent and this man needs to be fairly compensated. If you're looking for something to play in the car, check out our "Fire Emoji" playlist, which is guaranteed to bump in the whip.

About The Author
<b>Managing Editor</b> <!--BR--> Alex Zidel began working at HotNewHipHop as a Staff Writer in February 2018 before becoming the Managing Editor in June 2019. <strong>Favorite Hip Hop Artists:</strong> Kid Cudi, Kanye West, Young Thug, Frank Ocean.