Letterkenny is a hit comedy series that is being heralded as a masterpiece in Canada. The series was created by Jared Kesso, who also stars in the show. Based on his hometown in Ontario, Letterkenny is a sarcastic and irresistibly hilarious comedy that highlights the interactions between the "hicks, skids, hockey players, and Christians" in the small rural town. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Hulu has scooped up the rights for the series in America, and the first two seasons of the show will arrive on the streaming platform in July.
Letterkenny was awarded three Canadian Screen Awards, including best comedy, best direction and best writing in a comedy. Jared Kesso also received a nomination for lead actor in a comedy. The series also stars Dylan Playfair, Nathan Dales, Andrew Herr and Tyler Johnson, and launched its fourth season last December. “Thanks to Jared and our partners at New Metric Media, 'Letterkenny' is more than just a brand builder for CraveTV, it’s officially made an indelible mark on pop culture,” stated President of Distribution and Pay at Bell Media Tracey Pearce. “With this sale to Hulu in the U.S., Bell Media is truly taking Canada’s premium content to the world. We’re excited to introduce 'Letterkenny' to American audiences and deliver more of this fan-favorite series to audiences across Canada."
Letterkenny hits Hulu on July 13.