Chrissy Teigen Shuts Down Accusations Of Plastic Surgery On Instagram

BYDavid Saric2.9K Views
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Chrissy is throwing some serious shade.

Social media has become a place where anybody can speak their mind on a variety of topics. Celebrities who have Instagram accounts are basically offering themselves to scrutiny from a general public that may not be particularly fond of their body of work, image, or any other matter. 

Chrissy Teigen is one of the world's most famous models, and has invited an unending stream of criticism by sharing her life on social media for all to witness. 

Teigen posted an image of her and husband John Legend at the 2008 Grammy ceremony as part of the #TBT phenomenon. In it, the Lip Sync Battle host comments on how tanned she was in the photo, while also sharing just how long she and Legend have been romantically involved. 

However, one user took to the comment section to make a negative remark about the model's changing physical since this photo was taken. The troll notes how Teigen looked more naturally pretty ten years ago, before accusing her of resorting to facial fillers and a surgically enhanced bosom to keep her youthful radiance and sexual allure. 

Teigen caught wind of this snide comment, and responded to this individual wrongfully claiming that she has indulged in plastic surgery. 

Teigen directly replied to these accusations by stating "Boobies and fillers? Fuck off with your backhanded shit," revealing how "2 babies and 10 years" has resulted in how she appears in the present day. The star is not letting haters get the upper hand and post disrespectful and sneering criticisms based on illegitimate accusations. 

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