Although Nipsey Hussle has yet to release a debut album, the West Coast native keeps his fans locked with a steady flow of strong mixtapes. His Marathon series of mixtapes have seen Nipsey grow as an artist and evolve into someone unique in a rap game that is over-saturated with drug-talking and gang-affiliated rappers.
The Marathon is continuing with the upcoming third mixtape, TM3: Victory Lap. This project is sure to display Neighborhood Nipsey in his best form yet, if recent leaks are any indication. Although Nipsey tells us the tracklist hasn't been finalized, so some of these recent leaks may not make the tape, they nonetheless have been enjoyed by fans, who seemed almost starved for Nipsey content when they dropped. We decided to chop it up with Nipsey for Track Breakdown about one cut in particular, the soulful 9th Wonder-produced "Face The World."
While talking to Nipsey about the development and creation of "Face The World," Nipsey shows an awareness for his style of raps and his affinity for gangster talk, but he also shows a desire to go beyond all that, to do something bigger than raps about gang-banging. In "Face The World" Nipsey achieves his desire, showing maturity and postivity we don't see every day in hip-hop.
In our interview Nipsey talks to us about TM3, tells us what the mixtape is shaping up to be like-- he says it marks the beginning of something new, making us anxious to hear the final product. The rapper reveals that "Face The World" was freestyled, and only took about fourty-five minutes.
We also got word from 9th Wonder about the beat creation, although he wouldn't divulge details about the very soulful sample.
Listen to "Face The World" below, and click through the images in the gallery above to find out what Nipsey & 9th had to say.

On how song concept for "Face The World" came about:
This record was something 9th played me and immediately I knew I wanted to speak on it. The concept was just me listening to what the sample was saying and also what the music felt like and speaking from my gut in response. It felt like the weight of my journey should be expressed on it.
On if this record will live on "The Marathon 3: The Victory Lap":

This record might make the final playlist, I'm still finalizing the cut.
On what "TM3" is shaping up to sound like:
The project is shaping up to be amazing. The sound of the project is organic, and it's me talking directly to the people about what's important to me. I felt like it was never possible for an artist to do the things they can do now in terms of reaching people directly and this project Is me jus talking to my listeners without considering of that stuff just conversation with my people.
On the line "…a wilder nigga’s story, getting cake, homes" and if Nipsey's success surprises himself:

On one hand I'm surprised at how big it's become...and on the other I'm anxious to reach the next level. This project definitely represents the beginning of something new.
On how he connected with 9th Wonder for the production:

I've always been a fan of 9th and we met a few times in DC and Atlanta. Time was finally right and we got in and cooked.
On if Nipsey & 9th have more tracks together we've yet to hear:
Yeah, we have a couple on Rhapsody's album and also other concepts I'm working on for my stuff.
On if he knew what he wanted to do with the instrumental for "Face The World" as soon as he heard it:

I freestyled the whole song. I just went in and did it bar by bar. It took 'bout 45 min.
On if it was hard to get the lyrics right:
It was really easy because it was all just real experiences that felt like what the music was saying. It came out naturally.
On the ways Nipsey has grown and matured as an artist since the first two "Marathon" mixtapes:

I've traveled the world. My message has transcended gang-banging...I've seen so many people from different walks of life connect with the message that I process different now. I look for the connections and the places we all relate and I try to start from there when I'm coming up with ideas.
On his favorite verse/line from "Face The World":
"Don't cry tears,hey don't fly here and if you don't die here you spose to fly lears. 365 here is like a dog year no wonder y these niggas 20 and got white hair."
It's just real. That sums it up. We live so fast it's like 7 years for every one down here. When you 21 you have the life wisdom of a 40-year-old because you've witnessed it in its most primal nature. Survival.

On how 9th Wonder came across the sample in "Face The World":
Digging for it [lol]. We never tell samples. However, [I was] just looking for the soul and that feeling so Nip could get his message out.
On if he likes using samples:
Of course.
On how he'd describe his productions style:

On when he made the beat:
I made the beat a while ago, but I try to make my music timeless.
On the equipment used to create "Face The World" instrumental:

MPC 2500
On 9th's go-to equipement:
Fruity Loops for the most part.