Nipsey Hussle's Victory Lap is nearly one week old. Despite being in its infant stages, Nip's debut was cultivated with a grown-man's vision. In that regard, the lengthy wait may have proved beneficial; Nipsey's OG status gives him a credibility and gravitas a younger rapper may otherwise lack. Today, Nipsey graced The Breakfast Club to speak on a variety of topics. Of course, his debut is covered. Insofar as the rap game is concerned, it's a rare sight to see an artist release his first project at the age of thrity-two. It's no surprise that Nipsey feels a sense of relief that the time has finally come.
His role as a gangland ambassador of sorts is quickly addressed. "I wanted my message to impact gang culture," explains Nipsey. "I wanted what I had to say to impact individuals like myself, young people that was in these areas controlled by gangbanging. I didn't want to preach to the choir, but I wanted to say I'm one of you. Wherever I go, wherever I end up you gon' know that you can end up there too...I wasn't trying to be on no super tough guy shit." Wise words.
Nipsey goes on to break down the distinction between "single artists" and "album artists," using Beyonce as an example. Citing her early day making hits, he remarks that she eventually transitioned into a more project-based entity. For more from Nip, including his thoughts on Cardi B, being independent and more, check out the full interview. It's a dense one, but there's a lot of great material to digest.
Nipsey Hussle