6 Dogs Goes Hard For Fans On "Dont Stop!We Can Do This"

BYZaynab2.7K Views
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The entertainer encourages his fans with a moody track.

6 Dogs just dropped his latest piece of emo teen indulgence, "dont stop! we can do this." This the latest loosie to be shared with his fanbase only hours ago. The track can be considered to be "hipster" in the contemporary sense of the word because of its irony. The title of the song and its release during the summer proposes an upbeat, feel-good singalong anthem for the sunny days of June. Instead, fans can find refuge in their feels, hiding from the heat in the shadows of the gloomy track. 6 Dogs' heavily processed vocals are buried beneath it. The kick drum thumps so hard, those who are not familiar with his style of diction might only understand the song through its somber motifs and the mundanity of life expressed in their repetition. 

Quotable Lyrics

Life can be so sweet with you
I'm done finding things to do
Life must be good in the rain


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