Not even five months removed from his Love Story LP, and Yelawolf is already turning his focus onto his next album.
Jumping on Facebook today, Yelawolf decided to open up to his fans about his current state of mind and in the process he ended up revealing the title to his third studio album, Trial By Fire. Here’s what Yelawolf had to say on FB,
"It’s been a crazy week. So much energy around me at all times. I’ve found peace and quite for most of my life at grave yards .. My Maw Maw used to take me .. We would just walk around and read stones … I write a lot of records here .. Today I wrote a record for @leebrice and I here .. Called “Violin” … We’re supposed to be in the studio this evening .. Time to push all aside and get these ideas recorded .. Songs are like a passing speck of dust in the wind … If you don’t grab it and contain it .. It’ll be gone forever. With all my growth .. I can say returning to my roots has been the greatest blessing. Sharing that with what hip hop brought to my life … I’m forever grateful .. ” Trial By Fire ” will be the title for my next album … Sharing this with you all today … Right now …. Cause who knows really … But I’m mentally ready to begin the next album … And the journey starts today. @shadyrecords INTERSCOPE #slumerican @fefedobsonofficial @kleversworld @bonesowens @spidysmith @jdotjones @rosenberg" - Yelawolf
No word yet as for when Trial By Fire will arrive, but it looks like it’s definitely in the works. We’ll keep you posted as more on this story unfolds. Who's excited?