It's been a while since we've gotten an update on The Wu-Tang Clan's purportedly one-of-a-kind album Once Upon A Time In Shaolin, but now that the buzz from December's A Better Tomorrow has died down, it looks like the crew have rethought the strategy by which they'll release the new project. As was known from the beginning, only one copy exists, and now RZA's saying that he'll be auctioning off the physical copy via the online auction house Paddle8.
In an interview with Forbes, a rep for the company said, “This is being positioned both by the Wu-Tang Clan and by Paddle8 as a work of art. It’s truly treating this album, which very well may be the last album that the Wu-Tang Clan makes together, as a one-of-a kind, special property that is worth the price.”
As of now, there's no word on when the auction will take place, but you should probably get your Kickstarter pages poppin' now if you hope to have any chance of owning the thing.
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