Well here’s an interesting turn of events regarding “Draylo.” According to report made by Page Six, a close source believes that Drake & J. Lo have been hanging out lately simply as a marketing ploy to promote their upcoming duet.
“This relationship is fake, it is just a publicity stunt to publicize their record together,” the source told Page Six. “If Jennifer and Drake were really dating, they’d be way more private about it.”
The source also drew attention to how weird it was for Drake to move on so quickly from Rihanna too. “Doesn’t Drake realize that it looks weird to declare his love for RiRi at the MTV awards, then start flaunting his chemistry with J.Lo a few months later?,” the source asked.
The report shouldn’t be all too surprising as the duo’s romance has been questioned from the jump, especially after footage surfaced last week of the two kissing in what is believed to be an upcoming music video, but who knows.
Read the full report here, and let us know what you think. Do you think they're genuinely feeling each other or is it all staged?