In the fall of last year, Scottie Pippen filed for divorce from his wife Larsa Pippen after 19 years together. Not only was it shocking based on how long they’d been together, but there were also rumors that Future had been sleeping with Larsa. Later in the same year Future vaguely dismissed those rumors, and now it appears Larsa and Scottie are back together.
TMZ caught the couple out to dinner at a Los Angeles restaurant in Hollywood last night and the two looked very much like a couple. During the paparazzi fracas outside, one photographer gets a little too ballsy and asks, “where’s Future,” at which point Scottie turns and gives a long, disgusted look at the group. All everyone can do is awkwardly laugh.
After they get in the vehicle together, the paparazzi members laugh that they thought one of the was going to get slapped. Good thing the Chicago Bulls legend is such a good sport.
If you needed any further confirmation Larsa and Scottie are back together, Larsa posted a photo on her Snapchat of a 14 (!) Karat diamond ring. She didn’t say who it was from, but we can guess.