Today is Tupac's birthday; the late legend would have been 45 years old. If you believe that June 16th should be a holiday, now it is; the City of Oakland has named June 16th "Tupac Shakur Day."
Tupac began his career with the Oakland-based crew Digital Underground. In 1991, he sued the Oakland Police Department for $10 million for allegedly beating him for jaywalking.
The office of Oakland mayor Libby Schaaf released a statement announcing June 16th as "Tupac Shakur Day":
“Although Tupac was born in Harlem, New York City in 1971, later lived in Baltimore, Maryland, and in Marin City, California, he cherished his time in Oakland as his home, stating that he got his ‘Game’ from Oakland. Tupac once said: ‘…I give all my love to Oakland, if I’ma claim somewhere I’ma claim Oakland.’”
Happy Tupac Shakur Day y'all.