It appears as though Kid Cudi's Man on the Moon 3 album could finally be getting underway. In 2013, the rapper said he'd be dropping an EP to prelude MOTM 3. That EP turned into the heavily-criticized Satellite Flight album. Since then, Cudder hasn't spoken up on the status of MOTM3, but in a series of tweets from yesterday, plus a photo, the rapper hints that he's getting back in the studio.
Today the rapper tweeted a photo of him and producer Emile Haynie in the studio, captioning it "And so it begins..." The photo itself was preceded by tweets yesterday where Cudi addressed Man on the Moon 3 with his fans.
"I can't/won't make MOTM3 w/o Pat, Emile & A Trak in the studio. We started together, we finish this together. It's time I assemble the team," he tweeted.
His tweet initiated a few responses, including from his requested producers Plain Pat and A-Trak, who were both on board. Check it out below, and view the photo of Cudi and Emile up top.
Good things to come from Cudder? Let's hope so, as there's no denying his music has been in a bit of slump.
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