The best response to getting meme'd across the Internet? Turn the viral bait into some cash. Little did Joe Budden know that his participation in a rap beef with Drake would result in a couple of OVO trolls running up on his own property. That fiasco, though, which ended with Budden chasing the kids down in his car and beating their vehicle with rocks while doling out a harsh tongue lashing, ended up earning him more attention than the beef itself. The teenage social media mavens caught the whole encounter on camera, and one particular snapshot from the recording -- showing Budden approaching their car mid-sprint -- has turned into one of the year's best rap memes. Even Budden himself said that "these are some of the greatest memes ever," and he has now included an image the wife-beater-donning Runnin' Budden on his latest line of merchandise.
Head to Joe Budden's online store, and one can purchase new Runnin' Budden shirts and hats for $30 apiece. Head here for our full round-up of the best memes to come from the veteran rapper's incredible pursuit of the OVO savages, and check out a couple of highlights below. Anyone gonna be rocking this merch to a future "Summer Sixteen" show?
Joe Budden