More details have emerged concerning Jay-Z and Beyonce's recent highly publicized vacation to Cuba. The couple took a trip there to celebrate their 5-year anniversary, and roused Republicans as well as anti-Castro advocates to speak out against the visit. However, it turns out the trip was officially sanctioned by the United States.
Republicans seemed to be up in arms about the trip, with congresspersons Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and Mario Diaz-Balart even writing a letter to the Foreign Assets Control director and demanding an investigation of the trip, but it seems their letter was written in vain.
The U.S. trade embargo against Cuba prevents most Americans from travelling to Cuba without a license. Bey and Hov were in the right though because the United States Treasury Department fully licensed the two superstars' trip (which may be a perk of being friends with the President).
bae jay