Frank Ocean has kind of disappeared for a minute, but it looks like he'll be back soon enough. The r'n'b singer, who no longer has Twitter, took to his Tumblr to share some thoughts while at the same time revealing he's back in the studio.
Apart from the Chris Brown scuffle, and Ocean's cousin apparently suing Breezy (and he in turn, countersuing), we really haven't heard much from the singer, who released his album Channel Orange over a year ago. Nonetheless, Ocean has officially stated that he's "back to work these days" in his Tumblr post which is sort of a non-sequitur about what he's been up to the past week, which includes watching a bunch of movies and reading a few books. Read the statement below.
mind is pretty blank right now. i’m sitting in my kitchen listening to age of consent by new order. i like this song.. i fuck with that gwen stefani song ‘cool’ too, i never knew 3000 played keyboards on it- sounds like some teen coming of age movie. i used my birthday week pass to stay in my apartment for too long.. sit still and catch up on some information. i saw that movie ‘glengarry glen ross’ and ‘bottle rocket’, ‘pi’, ‘blackfish’ (sea world is the devil), ‘this is the end’ (hahaha), ‘the purge’(smh), some funny horror movie i forgot the name of ‘…’ . my homie in aussie suggested that i read ‘mr. norris changes trains’.. the writing was really nice. i read ‘the new jim crow’ it made me not fuck with humans for an hour. oh and ‘diffficult men’ which talked about great tv ..dexter, the wire, the sopranos, breaking bad and whatnot. i didn’t watch any news or read it …figured all that shit was gonna happen either way. i’m back to work these days.
Would you like to hear some new music from Mr. Ocean?