In 2014, the Canadian government awarded Drake's OVO Fest $300,000, but, this year, it looks like funding for the Toronto festival will have to come out of OVO's pockets. Celebrate Ontario, the organization that awards grants to events like OVO Fest, just released its schedule of events, and the finances allocated to each, and Drake's two-day concert in downtown Toronto wasn't included on the list.
Celebrate Ontario's application specifies that grant-winning events must demonstrate: an "Increase in attendance and geographic reach" and "in tourist visitation and expenditures," and an effort to "Improve in quality and sustainability."
Apparently, OVO Fest didn't meet the above qualifications. Nonetheless, we expect tourists will flock the Ontario metropolis come August 2nd, as this year's lineup features: a beefed-up "Forest Hills Drive" lineup--with Big Sean, YG & Jeremih joining J. Cole & Dreamville Records, a Kevin Hart comedy show, and the always-promising Drake (& special guests) headlining show on the final night.
A solid lineup, no doubt--but good enough to cost Drizzy 300k?
OVO Fest is now sold out. Good luck finding tix on StubHub.
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