Chris Brown's rehab stint has quickly come to an end. The singer check into a Malibu rehab facility for anger management, and while it was reported that he could stay there for up to three months, the singer got out in just over two weeks.
Word from Breezy's lawyer is that Chris had to check out in order to start his community service in his Rihanna case. This stems back to another incident, when a judge denied Chris the hours he had allegedly clocked because they were thought to have been forged.
Chris' lawyer Mark Geragos said that Chris will continue to get treatment from the rehab facility as an outpatient.
[Update: Brown Reportedly Left After Violent Outburst]
TMZ is reporting that Chris Brown may have left rehab early because the facility wanted him out. Apparently, Brown had a fit during his treatment for anger issues, throwing and breaking various objects in the process.
The reports also indicate that the outburst will be used against him during his probation hearing later today. Sources report that the L.A. Country Probation Dept. will send information to the judge today regarding the incident.
While the Probation Dept. will likely request that Chris report to a live-in anger management program for a couple of months, The D.A. may attempt to revoke his probation and give him jail time.
More coverage to come as information arrives.
[Update: Brown Sentenced To 90 Days In Rehab]
Chris Brown just appeared in court for a probation hearing, and while he will be put away for 90 days, his time will be served in rehab, rather than jail.
As anticipated, the Probation Dept. recommended that Chris be ordered to a live-in anger management facility. The judge agreed, and sentenced Brown to 90 days in a rehabilitation center.
The singer will be allowed to fly to DC for court hearing regarding his assault case while completing his stay at the facility. He has been ordered to take drug tests during his 90 day confinement, and must take any medication prescribed by physicians at the center.
The judge also requested a report on the D.C. assault case, which could end in Brown's probation being revoked. For now, he'll just have to bear with a couple months in rehab.