Bow Wow has some explaining to do to his baby mama, Joie Chavis. The rapper has been ordered to pay child support for his 1-year-old daughter, but he withheld crucial financial information from the judge.
Bow Wow appeared in court on Monday, and after some bartering, he agreed to pay Chavis $3,000 a month in child support for their daughter, Shai. Bow Wow claimed he only made $4,000 a month as an employee of Cash Money, and he testified he leases a Jeep and has just $1,500 in his checking account.
TMZ posed the question well, if he only makes $4,000 a month, how can he afford to send $3,000 of it to his baby mama? Well, it turns out he nabbed a new job as host of BET's 106 & Park, which was just announced yesterday. He neglected to mention this in court, however.
The judge will no doubt have some questions for Bow Wow when he returns to court in December for a permenant child support ruling. In the meantime though, the judge ordered the new BET host to pay $11,500 in back child support.
Peep our recent pics of Joie Chavis' birthday:
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Joie, the birthday girl
Gallery 7

DRay & JL nights
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Hit-Boy & Joie
Gallery 6

Hit-Boy and friends
Gallery 5

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Kevin Hart & Trey Songz
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Kevin Hart & Trey Songz