Protests in Ferguson are still going strong following the tragic killing of 18-year-old Michael Brown last week in Ferguson, Missouri. In fact, the marches have stretched all the way to New York City, as Times Square was filled with supporters of justice for the slain teen just last night.
Plenty of musicians have echoed similar sentiments toward the situation, with J. Cole and Elle Varner each releasing songs of support today. B.o.B also weighed in on the issue on Twitter today, but his contributions were far less positive.
In a tweet sent this afternoon, Bobby Ray accused protesters of contradicting themselves with their actions, saying "so Antwon will shoot 12 people in a week and y'all be like "FREE TWON!" a cop shoot a nigga and y'all riot... ok... #facts". He then criticized social media activism, writing, "y'all ain't gonna REVOLT!!! I bet y'all won't overthrow the government of nothing!! All you gonna do is TWEET!"
Of course, the tweets were deleted almost immediately, though it's unclear whether it was B.o.B himself or his label that decided to pull them. Take a look at some screenshots of the tweets above.
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